Tuesday 11 October 2011

"The Sniper" Thematic Connection

        In the short story "The Sniper," the theme of inhumanity of war is present and is shown to be the main idea. In the story, there is a civil war that is taking place between the Republicans and Free Staters. A republican sniper has a gun fight with another sniper most likely from the Free Staters party. As they continue their gunfire, an innocent woman gets killed in between the crossfire. After many moments of gunfire and vintage sniper warfare, the republican sniper kills his enemy sniper. He then goes to check on his enemy's dead body in order to see his face only to realize he has killed his bother. The theme of "The Sniper," and many aspects of the story is similar to the movie "Star Wars, A New Hope." In both stories there are two sides having a civil war against each other because of different political views. In "Star Wars," there are the rebels and the imperials while in "The Sniper," there are the Republicans and Free Staters. Also, in both stories, the theme of inhumanity of war and loss of innocence is present because there are many casualties including lives not involved. In "The Sniper," due to the shootout between the two snipers, a lady is caught in the crossfire, gets shot and killed. This is similar to that of the destruction of the planet Alderaan in a scene in "Star Wars, A New Hope." Since Alderaan was the home planet of Princess Leia, the leader of the rebels, the imperials who have captured her, torture her and then destroy her home planet even though the planet had nothing to do with the civil war. Princess Leia states, "we are peaceful with no weapons." This states that the planet and it's people were innocent and had nothing to do with the civil war. Just like the women who was killed in "The Sniper," both the women and Alderaan were innocent and had nothing to do with the civil war, were caught in the cross fire and the people of Alderaan and the women in "The Sniper," were killed. These two stories portray the theme of inhumanity of war, loss of innocence and show that war affects countless lives including innocent lives and lives will be lost due to war and inhumanity.

video from www.youtube.com

Saturday 8 October 2011


Hey, hello, bonjour, salut! Welcome to my blog. This blog is going to be dedicated to my english isu and will focus on the themes of short stories we have read in class. All though this blog will be dedicated to my English isu, it will be useful for everyone because it will explain and analysis the key themes in short stories which I have read in English class and those themes play a big role in today's many books and movies and just play a role in life in general. I hope you will enjoy my blog.